Antiquing Your White Kitchen Cabinets

Antique White Kitchen Cabinets

Do you have a dull, white kitchen that needs to be spruced up? Yes, even though the kitchen is all white, the counters are white, the seats are white, and I’m sure the table is white, and while it all seems nice, the room probably seems cold. This is a prevalent issue for people with all white rooms. Well, a simple way to add personality to your white kitchen is to antique the kitchen cabinets. [Read more…]

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Greening your kitchen with bamboo

Just saw a great article on greening your kitchen, by Construction Review Online.

They discuss a whole range of options and make a few fantastic suggestions. Being a recycle devotee, I loved this design (don’t know who’s it is, but kudo’s to you). Notice the stunning bamboo shaker doors!

Bamboo shaker doors in an eco-friendly kitchen design

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Small Spaces and Interior Design

Every professional interior designer knows that decorating a small space is almost always more difficult than decorating a large space, but with some thinking and imagination, a small room can look and function just as well as a large one.  Here are a few guidelines and tips that interior designers keep in mind when furnishing a smaller space. [Read more…]

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7 Materials For Creating The Perfect Kitchen Countertop

The kitchen countertop needs to withstand lots of abuse. Hot pots straight off the stove, knives and abrasive cleansers. The ideal countertop is able to stand up to heat and the sharp edge of a knife.

Allow us to take a look at 7 of the preferred kitchen countertop materials being used: [Read more…]

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Which bamboo finishing products should I use for my project?

We’re often asked which products to use for their bamboo finishing.

So here we have a guideline for you to follow when finishing your bamboo countertop or bamboo plywood project.


Preparation is always the most critical step in any bamboo finishing application, get that wrong and the quality and durability of your finish is drastically reduced.

The first step is to give the surface a light sand just to remove the grime.

Bamboo finishing – oil

Oil is one of the most traditional finishes used.

Oils do not provide as much protection as the more modern finishes e.g. varnish. Oil finishes however, bring out the natural beauty of bamboo boards and counter tops. If you want to stain your bamboo prior to oiling it, use a water-based stain. Oil-based dyes will clog-up the bamboo’s “pores”, stopping the oil finish from soaking in effectively. [Read more…]

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Kitchen Remodeling Design Ideas

Gone are the days when kitchens were strictly employed for cooking.  Nowadays, the kitchen is not only a place for preparing meals; it’s now most often the place where the family bonds and interacts.

A kitchen for that reason serves several purposes. A well thought out plan for the kitchen needs to aim at making your home efficient and simple to keep up.  It must also be comfortable “room”.

What are the steps you can take to make sure you get the kitchen you want? Read more …

[Read more…]

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Bamboo sinks for the bathroom & kitchen

We’re always telling everyone how tolerant our bamboo boards are of water. Well here are some real world examples …
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Being Eco Friendly at Home

Living a more eco friendly or sustainable lifestyle is quickly becoming a very hot topic for many South Africans. Not only is this a matter of saving the earth, it is also a matter of being frugal, too. Kids aren’t cheap and recycling and reusing are great ways to help save the Earth and save money. A lot of people really just make it a hobby to find creative new ways to recycle and reuse various household items such as shredded paper for example. Here are some great and simple ideas for recycling paper, conserving water, saving electricity, and adding eco friendly furniture to your home. [Read more…]

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Easy Designs For Kitchen

Whether or not you might be just moving in to a brand new place or you are trying to update your home decor, chances are you’ll find yourself faced with a kitchen that wants a brand new touch. Even more daunting is when you find that you are going through this process while on a very tight budget. Kitchen designs will be fairly costly, in spite of everything, once you get right down to it and add up the various, many little prices which accumulate in the course of the process. And that’s not even contemplating the bigger prices! [Read more…]

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A designer builds an eco-kitchen …

As more & more people become aware of the environmental issues facing our planet, they have started to look at eco-friendly alternatives.

In this post, a designer, Joshua Foss, walks you through the process of building an eco-kitchen. Part of the process was selecting eco-friendly materials – and guess what he (and his client) chose? Yip, you guessed – strand woven bamboo boards.

Here is a teaser:

MetroHippie Bamboo kitchen design

The rest can be found here:

Designing an eco-friendly kitchen
Joshua Foss’ web site – Thrive Design Studio

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